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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 72

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 72 by desirenovel


I found myself standing beside a boulder, silently staring at the golden lake inside the Baltic Forest. It looked the same as the last time I saw it, but the sky was dark. The lake and the surrounding diamond-looking flowers now seemed to glow even brighter. They seemed to call to me…seemed to draw out a feeling of nostalgia inside me.

I was at peace, completely relaxed until a movement opposite where I was disturbed my solace.

From across the lake, a young man emerged from the darkness. He was wearing a black royal suit. From the crest embroidered on his right upper chest, I realized he was someone of status in the Kingdom of Phanteon.

I was far away from him, but when I really scrutinized his features, I could see, as clear as day, exactly who he was.

King Aero…

Or in this case, a younger version of him.

And I could see just how melancholic his face looked. He was just standing, his blank eyes directed on the lake like he was trying to speak to it telepathically or looking for a miracle there.

Then, I noticed another movement not far away from him. A white figure of a woman hid behind a large tree. Her hands were dainty and her hair was up to her waist. She seemed to be spying on him…seemed to be very engrossed just looking at my husband.

There was no indication that Aero noticed her presence. There was no indication that she meant to approach him too. There was also no indication that they both noticed me and I was left watching them as half an hour ticked by.

At one point, this woman stepped forward a little, allowing me to get a good look at her features, and at that exact moment, I gasped.

“Oh, God.”

I placed a hand over my mouth when I realized, albeit too late, that the woman was me…

‘Oh, just a dream…’ I thought to myself the moment my eyes fluttered open.

The soft rays of the sun immediately greeted me as well as Aero’s gentle smile. He was sitting on the bed, facing me, half covered by the bedsheet we shared with one knee bent up and one arm resting on it. It was a cool posture, pretty much fitting for a suave man like him.

I figured he had been awake for quite some time now and had been unashamedly staring at my sleeping form. ‘Very sly of him’, I thought.

‘Yes, I am sly. I just love watching you sleep. Good morning, love,’ he stated or what the…

“Was that you?” I asked, giving him a surprised, questioning look. Using my elbow, I slightly raised myself up, all memory of my recent dream gone that instant.

‘Yes,’ he answered, giving me a smirk.

I could loudly hear him inside my head and that both frightened and amazed me.

“Ho—how is this possible?” Audibly, I asked.

‘Because we are already mated, Serena,’ he explained, again using telepathy. ‘You can do it too. Try it.’

My eyes bulged. ‘Really?!’ I answered him through my mind.

His smile widened. ‘Yes. We are one in every way possible, Serena. You could feel my emotions, hear what I think unless I intentionally block you. You could also sense me, locate me anywhere in both Phanteon and Earth, and in other realms. You’d know if I have mood changes. You could feel my heartbeat and breathing. That’s how powerful a mate bond is. There’s no backing out now. Are you afraid?’

I didn’t need to think about an answer.

‘No, not if it’s with you, Aero,’ I told him whilst straightening myself up and cupping his face. ‘This is just unnatural for me, totally a quick change, but I’ll get the hang of it.’ I awarded him a coy smile and bit my lower lip seductively.‘Good morning too, my mate,’ I said, leaning over towards him.

His eyes turned hooded then.

With that, we shared a morning kiss. It was sweet and soft at first, but it soon turned heady and rough.

I returned to lying in bed. He followed me without breaking our kiss. With our new position, I consequently felt his erection poke my belly.

I groaned at this and quickly pulled the bed cover off of our bodies.

‘Have you already recuperated from last night? Has your energy returned?’ he asked, worry roped his voice a bit.

‘Yes,’ I cried out in my mind. ‘I want you, Aero. Make love to me.’ I was begging, my skin thrumming with lust. With my augmented sense of smell, I smelt his horny state too. It was in sync with mine. I had never been this so in tune with someone before and it felt, for lack of a better word, marvelous.

In a way, I felt like I was born into a new body. Everything was different. Everything felt right. Loving Aero, mating with him, being bonded to him—I could never be happier.

‘I feel the same way too, Serena,’ he voiced out in my head just as he titillated my breasts. Clearly, he sensed my intense joy deep down. ‘You don’t know how much I was elated hearing you love me. I waited for you to say it. I kept myself patient. I didn’t want to stress you. I didn’t want to force you. I didn’t mind waiting. Hell, I was willing to wait a hundred years more just to hear you say you love me.’

My heart swelled with his words.

‘Thank you, Aero, for giving me time,’ I answered, arching my back when he started planting chaste kisses on my tummy down to my apex, ‘but what if I didn’t love you?’

He pressed the tip of his tongue against my swollen clit. This consequently earned a short gasp from me.

′I was ready to make you fall in love with me,′ he answered. ‘But honestly, I didn’t need to worry. I was confident you felt the same way.’

‘Hmm, cheeky bastard,’ I voiced out in my thoughts.

Continuing, he slid his tongue all the way to my entrance and then went back to my clit wherein he sucked it in full force.

“Ahhh!” I cried out loudly as a result.

‘You’re so wet,’ he mind-linked.

Despite my worked up brain, I could hear the proud joy in his voice.

‘And you’re very hard,’ I rebutted.

‘Only for you, Serena,’ was his quick answer.

Suddenly, a wild thought crossed my mind of a time last night when I saw Farryl posing as Aero fucking another woman. This didn’t elicit a feeling of jealousy, sadness, or even heartbreak from me. I just thought it funny now.

‘Yes, I know what you’re thinking,’ he then announced. I looked down at him and saw him already staring at me in satisfaction.

‘Your wholehearted trust for me amazes me, Serena. I feel humbled. But yes–’

He raised his head up, moved back closer to me in order to lock eyes, and then continued in his full voice, “Let it be known here and now that I would never love and touch another woman, Serena. Only you, now and forever.”

‘Oh Aero,’ I cried out, my heart almost bursting out in happiness.

“Yes, forever,” I stated loudly, reaching out to touch his face.

He grabbed my hand, kissed the knuckles first, then returned his attention on my body—inside me to be exact where his cock claimed complete and sole ownership…

“I’m curious though of what secret you and Rhea were hiding from me,” I asked an hour later. Both butt naked inside his pool, I ran a hand along his chest and gave him a scrutinizing eye.

His brows furrowed first seemingly unable to understand my question, but then a flicker of recognition eventually hit him.

“Ah, yes, that,” he said, smirking. “It’s not my secret, love. It’s Elijah’s. He wants to propose marriage to your friend.”

“What?!” My mouth dropped. From a lazy position straddling him, I straightened up and squared my shoulders. “That’s great news!” I cried.

“Yes, it is. Thinking that my brother will finally settle down, it’s like a thorn in my ass being taken out.”


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