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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 75

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 75 by desirenovel


‘You’re special.’

‘You’re unwanted.’

‘You’re ugly.’

‘You’re weak.’

‘You need to be strong.’

‘You’re not allowed to go outside.’

‘You need to practice more.’

‘Your mother was better.’

‘You could be better.’

‘You have an amazing power inside you.’

‘You’re unique.’

‘You’re a freak of nature.’

‘You’ll be alone forever.’

‘You don’t own your freedom.’

‘You’re not allowed to love…’

As my sense of sight returned, slowly, so did my other senses. They all clashed inside me, filling me with a whole new perspective of my life.

My reality.

It had been years, hundreds maybe since I last felt this way. It was both overwhelming and terrifying.

I gazed at the ceiling, recounting the series of sentences both good and bad that had spiraled inside my head. They played again and again with flashing pictures of faces and locations I had been before, reminding me, albeit painfully, of the life I escaped.

Since the moment my tiny brain could grasp the concept of communication and understand the language of the beings around me, until the time where I could fully stand for myself, hearing them from different faces—with a sneer, with a smile, with a disappointed look, with anger, with sincerity—I could never really understand why…why I was bombarded with such confusing treatment.

I knew I was different from all the faes around me, but to what extent? I didn’t know. I wished I knew.

‘You should fight back then! Don’t allow yourself to be bullied. Stand up if you think it’s the right thing to do!’

That last set of sentences also swirled inside my head.

They were the ones that I treasured so much. They reminded me of that time long ago when I saw hope and love…most especially love. That boy’s words were the exact reason why I am what I am currently. It molded me into a better person. It gave me strength.

Remembering them all again now as I felt the return of my powers and consciousness, the first thought in my head was:

Damn it, I’m back.

And the second thought was:

Oh holy cow, I’m back with quite a colorful life.

Married and mated to the Alpha King of Phanteon wasn’t exactly what I had expected to happen.

I was highly aware there were certain repercussions for my return. It was only a matter of time before I’d encounter them, but for now, at this moment, the person right in front of me was the very first hurdle I had to face.

“Is that how you address your wife and mate?” I asked, giving Aero a slightly offended look. I never liked him calling me that, but he still kept on using that pet name for his own pleasure and only stopped when I hit my teens.

“Oh, you still remember we’re bonded huh?” he replied, still sporting a hard frown. He was angry, yes, but us being mates, I could also sense a deeper emotion inside of him, some form of…twisted happiness. I wasn’t sure how to make of it as somehow he was privy with these specific thoughts.

“Of course, I do,” I answered with conviction. “I may have become whole again, but I’m still the same, Aero. And I still share the same feelings for you.”

I placed a hand over my chest and stared at him without so much as blinking, then I felt my face fully heat up as if it was my first time confessing my feelings for him.

“Only now it’s more clearer why I had easily fallen for you.”

I heard a low growl from him and thereafter, he pinned me down the mattress and grabbed my right wrist. His other hand flew to my jaw and angled my face up enough to meet his warm breath.

“Oh really?” he drawled, his lips curling up into a mirthless smile. “Your words are so sweet and sly, just like you, my wife.”

I held his gaze, choosing not to be affected by his icy words. He had subjected me to this kind of treatment before. It was nothing new. In fact, this even turned me on. I felt the heat in my belly and the desire inside me growing.


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