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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 76

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 76 by desirenovel


“What’s the matter?” Serena noticed my sudden tensed form and asked.

With a gruff, I raised my head up and looked at her. “Trouble knocking at our door, my queen, and I reckon their visit has something to do with you.”

She knotted her brows at first, fell silent for a moment, then I saw a flicker of awareness in her eyes.

“Yes, they are here for me,” she muttered softly, a sudden tinge of worry painting her face.

Hell, she was yet to tell me everything. She was yet to give me a thorough explanation. For these damn faes to boldly enter my realm meant that Serena was too important for them to just simply ignore.

Unlucky for them, she meant the same to my kingdom and to me. More even.

“Don’t worry, I won’t let them take you,” I said whilst standing up. “Stay here.”

With the fae king’s visit, my wolf started baring its teeth. This was ever the first time a king of any realm visited another in surprise. This could be a cause for this man’s downfall or he just might have a very good reason why he had to knock my door with threat looming in the air.

I may not know yet the whole story, but what information I have currently, I placed two and two together. What could Serena being a High Priestess in the fae realm mean?

Fuck, I wished I had asked Adamar and Adaen further about this.

Transporting to my throne room in a second, the first thing I noticed was Elijah already standing a couple of feet away from me, shoulders stiff and eyes at attention. Beside him was Farryl. She immediately knelt on one knee in deference to me, the kind that showed complete submission to a higher command.

I tipped my head at both of them.

‘Be on guard,’ I mind-linked to them.

They nodded.

Just as I sat on my throne, the double doors opened. William waltzed in and introduced my guest with as much caution as possible.

“King Geraden of the Kingdom of Ehnrelil, Your Majesty.”

He opened the path for the one mentioned to enter.

A metallic blue robe appeared from the hallway, its vomit-inducing sheen contrasted greatly with my marbled floor. This covered his whole body except his head, but it was also so grotesquely adorned with beads and whatnot that I initially had trouble locating his face.

Fucking fae.

Behind him was about fifty plus fae knights in full red and gold armor, their long swords dangling at the ready beside their waist. I reckon he had another hundred more waiting outside my castle’s front entrance. I thought a bodyguard of this size was a bit excessive, not unless he planned on something…but then again, he had good reason to do so when he was in my territory.

When our eyes locked, instantly, I recalled how he and the queen threw contemptuous glares at me in the meeting. Was Serena the reason why they did it? It was a high possibility, but I couldn’t stick to this just yet. For all I know, there could be more.

Once King Geraden was a few feet away from me, my lycan side sensed danger. His animosity towards me was nothing new, but danger? How and why? Or was it my lycan’s way of giving me a warning of the future?

“You do not just bring an army of fae knights in my kingdom unless you are picking a fight, King Geraden, or are they just for show? For you to personally visit me, I’m wondering what for?” I asked, leaning forward in my seat, looking down at him as if he was a pest.

Through the waterfall of beads from his headdress, I saw another contemptuous glare, but this was masked really well behind a practiced poker face.

“A recent explosion of an ancient fae power caught our attention and it led us here,” he started. “This causes us to believe you are harboring a very important person in our realm.”

Ancient? My mind quickly caught the word. Serena had that kind of power stored within her or was it from the stone? Fuck. I wanted to know more.

“Cut to the chase. Who are you talking about?” I asked him, showing a poker face of my own.

“I order you to hand over the High Priestess,” his overconfident voice tear through the throne room. There was definitely some degree of threat behind it, but hell, this didn’t worry me at all.

“High Priestess?” I asked, arching up a brow. “There is no such thing as a High Priestess here.”


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