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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 81

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 81 by desirenovel

An hour earlier…


‘Prepare for a bloodbath! The King of Ehnrelil had robbed us of our queen and therefore his kingdom deserved our wrath! Are you with me, my people?!’

My people didn’t hesitate when they answered me with the strongest, ear-splitting howl Phanteon has ever heard. They felt my anger. They felt my desperation. They felt my will for bloodshed. They wanted their queen back too and so they were very cooperative with me when I called for battle.

There was only one way to retrieve our queen and it was through the nearest border of Ehnrelil: the Baltic Meadows.

The Alphas in their respective territories and together with their subjects paused whatever it was they were doing and started their way into that very location. From the throne room’s arched window, I leaped and my battle-hungry claws landed with perfect ease on the rocky ground, acquiring no wounds or broken bones during the process. Elijah and Farryl followed in their wolf forms, able to keep up with my strength and speed.

I led the run. Phanteon’s army of wolves followed behind me. The rest of my people—mostly men and women without pup responsibilities—followed behind them. In the history of Phanteon, there hasn’t been any recorded battle against another kingdom, only now.

Well, soon.

And I was planning to make it a glorious fight to the death, one that would chill the bones of the other realms.

By the time we arrived in the Baltic Meadows, almost all of the werewolf and lycan population gathered; claws retracted, mouth deformed into a ferocious snarl, all attention directed to me for my instruction.

Under the full moon’s light, a rocky ledge caught my eyes so I ran and climbed up there with my enormous lycan form. That classic lion movie on Earth could go fuck itself. It paled in comparison to the show we presented.

‘It is time to show the fae kingdom that they chose the wrong opponent!’ I started through my mind-link. ‘It is time for them to know that it is a grand mistake messing with us werewolves and lycans. Their fucked-up assess will pay! And they will pay with their deaths! Break down their stronghold my people. Leave no sorry-ass fae alive. I will find our queen myself. Leave that shitty vampire lord and the foolhardy fae king to me!’

I howled again and my people howled back. Our noise probably reached the very heart of Ehnrelil, informing their High Elders of a looming danger, but that didn’t worry me. That fired me up even. I could use a good challenge after all.

The invisible wall of the fae kingdom stretched kilometers away but my army and Alphas concentrated on one particular section, using their brute strength and their special abilities to their advantage. I knew though it wasn’t that easy to break a realm’s stronghold. It would probably take a few minutes to hours before they breach it. It was designed that way.

So, while that was happening, I focused my attention on Serena’s presence, trying to pick up even just a smidgen of a clue where she was right now and how she fared. It took me a number of tries, honing in on her life essence and our connection, until someone interrupted my focus, his armored frame standing warily behind me.

“Your Majesty,” General Halcynos stated. “Can I have a moment of your time?”

Peeling my eyes open, I then summoned my human form and shifted, wearing just black pants to cover up my essentials.

“What do you want to report?” I asked, scrutinizing his profile.

He still sported the same serious expression on his face, but I picked up a certain sense of concern behind his hard-set eyes.

“I wanted to seek your forgiveness,” he started and I immediately raised my brow.

“For what?” I told him, definitely clueless about what he was rambling about.

“Can I answer your question in the form of a story-telling, Your Majesty?” His sullen expression lightened.

I didn’t have the time for such activity, but seeing the sincerity in his eyes, I agreed. “Make it short if possible, General. I can’t afford to be distracted when my queen is still in enemy territory.”

“Of course, Your Majesty,” he lowered his head and took a deep breath.

“It started when your father ordered me to scout this very place we stand now.”

He gestured to all of the Baltic Meadows with pride and longing.

“Here I met her…Queen Serena’s mother.”

At the mention of my wife’s name, my ears perked up. All of my attention was quickly directed to him.

“She was a beautiful fae. A rising High Priestess. She loved spending time in the lake beyond those trees.” He pointed to where Salviste Lake was located and gave me a half-smile. “It wasn’t glowing gold back then.” He chuckled slightly as if this memory brought him happiness.

“As you may know, I was your father’s Beta then. He ordered me to head the surveillance of the Baltic Meadows after hearing a fae trespassing the territory. That particular fae is Lady Cyrena, Queen Serena’s mother. Her presence didn’t pose any danger to Phanteon, so I allowed her to continue visiting the lake and meadows, and somehow, over the course of time, we became friends.”


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