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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 82

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 82 by desirenovel


Wrapped in nothing but a bedsheet, I approached my husband who was standing near the balustrade. He seemed to be watching the cloudy sky above us but I knew better. I knew he was communicating with Elijah, probably barking out orders for him and his army.

Aero hadn’t told me about the werewolves and lycans waiting near the border of Ehnrelil and he didn’t need to. I could still sense it from him the thrill of bloodshed, of needing retribution and of revenge. I wanted the same too, directed towards Geraden specifically. I wanted us to travel to the Baltic Meadows and start the war, but I also wanted to do something before that.

Though I know we didn’t need any help from the other realms, I figured we had to reach out to Lady Yllana and Lord Hale. Their people probably would love to join in the fun, especially when they had their own dead comrades to avenge.

Plus, I also needed to fulfill my promise: to tell Aero what truly happened before I magically appeared in his bed on day one.

“Ready to hear my story?” I asked him when he accepted me on his spot with arms wide open.

“This is the only thing our bond couldn’t solve, Serena. The only thing that remains under the shadows,” he stated, putting me in his front, my back to his chest, and enveloped me in his tight embrace. “I am frustrated to be left in the dark, but I know you’ll soon give me light.”

I chuckled at how poetic he was with his words.

“Hmm, where do I begin?” I asked, wondering how to piece together my story.

“You can start with those headaches of yours,” he suggested, nuzzling his nose against the crown of my head. “I always wondered why you get them.”

I arranged my head against his shoulder and sighed.

“Well, the occasional headaches I get in the past were the moments my memories start to slip. I get flashes with the aches, very hazy pictures that immediately disappear when the bout is over. They weren’t enough to make me remember though. The stone I gave you did the trick.”

“I see…” he muttered, accepting my explanation. “What about that day when you promised to meet me again? You really did break my heart at that time.”

I gripped his wrists in response and eyed his pensive profile with longing. “Oh Aero…” My heart sank when the memory of that day came to the surface of my consciousness. I knew he was heartbroken since that day. I was devastated too.

“That day… the day when I was supposed to meet you again to receive my gift, King Alduin died,” I started, recollecting the memory and linking those pictures for Aero to witness telepathically. “The fae kingdom was in instant turmoil at that time. Queen Adna immediately decided to block all portals to and from the other realms. With my powers, I didn’t need to use these portals. I could have met you still, but I was afraid for your life. I heard rumors that my uncle was killed by a wolf, but they didn’t have proof. However, the Elders and the queen were still very wary with anyone associated with the werewolves. I didn’t want to give them any ideas by just simply meeting you. I had been bullied and discriminated many times. As my friend, royalty or not, they wouldn’t hesitate to place the blame on you. I wanted to save you by cutting all my ties with you. It really pained me you know. Every day, I thought of you. I wondered how you were coping. I wondered if you now really hated me. I broke my promise and that was unforgivable.”

Aero was quiet, so I decided to continue.

“To ease my worries, I watched you in secret. Many times. For the first two years, you went to the Baltic Forest and to the lake, just staring at the water. I knew though you were waiting for me, but I couldn’t show myself to you. I couldn’t break my spell, else the Elders would know and I would risk your life. I couldn’t have that. I couldn’t bear the thought of you dying because of my carelessness. I was willing for you to think I broke my promise than to see you get tangled up with the drama of my family.”


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