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The Alpha King's Claim novel Chapter 71

The Alpha King’s Claim chapter 71 by desirenovel


Elijah continued to walk beside me when I entered the throne room. Two guards immediately lowered their heads. With a flick of Elijah’s hand, they left. I found this unusual. He usually wasn’t sensitive to extra eyes on us.

“I’m happy to see you finally found your true mate, brother,” he stated, stopping at the base of the stairs while I continued to climb up.

“Same goes to you,” I stated over my shoulder, hinting his relationship with Serena’s friend.

“Well, ye…ah, about that,” he replied hesitantly. I picked up an uneasiness from him that instant.

“You have a request,” I said, more of a statement than a question when I sat down my throne.

Elijah wasn’t the type to ask a request from me. He only does it when needed, and I sensed this was exactly that time.

“I’m planning to propose to Rhea, brother, and I need your cooperation to make this moment special,” he answered, looking determined all of a sudden.

I arched up a brow.

“Just propose to her straightaway, you don’t need any fancy set-up,” was my quick reply. To be frank, I didn’t want to be bothered by this kind of drama. It’s unnecessary and the preparations were a pain in the ass. Well, this was how I felt for other couples. With Serena, I’d gladly undergo such a nuisance just to make her happy.

Elijah cringed and shook his head.

“No, I can’t do that. You know I had been with many women. I want to let Rhea know that she’s special to me. That she’s the only woman that really made me feel loved.”

Hell, if this was the past me listening to his declaration, I’d be pissed, but now, I definitely could understand his situation. ′A special moment for a special woman’…I mused. Serena never experienced such from me and I wanted to correct that in the near future.

“Alright, what is your plan?” I asked, curious about Elijah’s idea.

He beamed a smile on my way, scanned the whole room first for any souls, and then neared me.

“Well, to start off, I need you to keep this secret from Serena. She’s very close to Rhea so I can’t have her learning about my proposal.”

My brows knotted in reaction.

“You’re asking too much. How can I face Serena and act like I don’t know anything? I don’t even know how to do that in the first place.”

“Just act like you always do, brother. It’s that simple. Just don’t overdo it or else she’ll suspect something is happening,” he advised.

After taking considerable thought, I nodded.

“Fine, what else do you want?”

“Instruct Rhea to go on a pretend errand. She’ll want to be with Serena in the south wing, but I want to pamper her. Have some maids bring her to the west of the kingdom where she can really rest and relax. I have arranged people there to take care of her.”

‘Rest and relaxation, yes, that’s not a bad idea,’ my mind voiced out.

“I’m planning to propose on Lake Eliwiss tonight, brother. The one near your manor. You well know that place is special to me. I’ll be preparing everything with Alpha Aaron, so I’m going to send someone to give you the details later. The plan is, I’m going to let a messenger give her a note and in that note, it would instruct her to go to you. Tell her specifically the details. After you do that, I’ll take care of the rest. Again, Serena mustn’t know about this or all my plans will be for nothing.”

“You mistake my wife for a gossiper, Elijah. Serena is unlike any woman. She doesn’t blabber.”

“I know that, brother. I just want to keep my secret to a minimum of people if possible,” he answered, his eyes pleading me like a puppy.

I released a deep breath.

“Fuck, I hate this kind of secret. It’s like I’m betraying her,” I voiced out, frowning.

“May I suggest to avoid her for the time being until tonight? That’s the safest way,” he stated.

Grinding my teeth, I considered his words again. Yes, this might be a possible answer to my predicament, but still, I know I won’t be able to act normally in front of her at dinner tonight.

“I have no other choice but to do that,” I answered, consequently signing myself to his plans.

“Thank you, brother,” he flashed a bright smile again.

I flipped a hand in the air. “Now go before I summon Rhea here.”

“Right,” he tipped his chin down and left my side. “I’ll see you tomorrow, brother. Wish me luck!”

I groaned. “You don’t need it. You have all the luck in the world.”

So just as planned, I ordered Rhea on a pretend errand that included picking up bath essentials for Serena in the west of the kingdom. The rest of the problem was theirs to do. I had my own problem to work out and it was to avoid my wife as fast as I could. With a snap of my fingers, I was in my manor, waiting for the damn day to end.

By evening, I entered the dining area feeling anxious. Because of this, I needed some piece of meat to chew on, literally. I ate first despite my conscience telling me not to. Damn Elijah for putting me on this spot. Damn him for bringing me into his problems. Damn me for being such a caring brother.

After a few minutes, a servant from Aaron’s pack came to deliver Elijah’s message. Heck, he really had to send a woman to relay it. I wanted to shoe her out, but because I needed to get his instructions, I allowed her to approach me. I fucking didn’t count on Serena walking in while she was whispering the instructions.

With this, my instinct kicked in, acting cool and composed. The female servant left in a hurry. I was left wishing Serena didn’t notice anything. I wanted to try and direct her attention elsewhere, but then Rhea came at the right moment.

Fuck, finally I’d be free from this headache.

I asked Serena to continue eating while I led Rhea into another room. In there, I explained everything, but since she didn’t know where Lake Eliwiss was located, I had to bring her there by coach. I knew I would have to explain everything to my wife once I return. Knowing Serena, she’d understand and be happy with this news.

However, when I arrived in the castle, the first thing I sensed from Serena was pure agony. She was in deep sorrow and I didn’t know why or what caused it.

In a flash, I transported to the receiving room of Serena’s chamber. She wasn’t there anymore when I arrived, but I heard her voice in my bedroom explaining to someone–Farryl so it seems–about her feelings for me…about her love for me and silently, I continued to listen, keeping her words close to my heart.

She finally admitted she loves me and that meant I was free to express my love for her too. Fuck it if this meant I’d be all mushy and cheesy…


Aero joined me in bed again, going straight to kissing me. We were at this for a few minutes, French-kissing and feeling every inch of our body, until his super erect cock poked my belly.

He pulled back a little, made eye contact with me with his desire-filled eyes, and then pushed his length inside.

I grabbed the sheets to stabilize myself and moaned. Goodness, his girth and length were totally out-of-this-world. He stretched me so much yet luckily, I couldn’t feel any pain. All I felt was all of him: his lust, his love, his care, and his throbbing cock.

I couldn’t ask for more.

He pulled my legs up and draped them over his shoulders. This position, he was able to ram into my ass better. Again and again. Harder and deeper.

I arched my back and shouted on top of my lungs.

“Oh god! Oh yes! Yes!”

I watched his face contort with equal pleasure. The deep lines of his forehead, the tension of his facial muscles, and his lips pressed up into a thin line–all of these were indicative of how much he was feeling it too.

Then, suddenly, he placed my legs back on the mattress. He retreated, stopping his thrusting, then sat down in between my legs.

I watched him with confusion. I was about to ask why he stopped, but then he ran his hands along my legs and stooped low.

His mouth descended on my waist. He stuck his tongue out and licked my bellybutton first before moving to the underside of my breast.

He lapped me there, probably created a number of small hickeys, until he climbed lower into my pussy.

“Oh Aero…” I whimpered when his tongue contacted my folds. With both hands securing my legs, he nibbled and sucked on my clit.

I was delirious instantly with the wave upon wave of sensations he had elicited.


A lot of erotic sounds had escaped my mouth many times since we started making love, but this here, it was a whole new level. Maybe because our desires were heightened after our love confession? Or maybe because this was preparation for the marking?

But whatever the reason, I sure as hell loved every bit of this change.


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